Saturday, January 12, 2013


I have been exploring the new ipad that my husband bought me for Christmas. Wow - so much on this little machine. After downloading app after app, I began to actually look at the items I had downloaded....and this is what brought me to Oprah.

While I am not an Oprah follower, I immensely respect her graciousness and gratitude..

In my little preview of her magazine I came across an article that talked about the way she focused on gratitude in her daily life. A gratitude journal.

So, among other things, I will use this blog to record those big and little things that I am grateful for, in hopes that I dwell on the blessing in my life than get caught up in the challenges.

Today I am grateful for...

  1. A quiet morning of coffee and reading.
  2. My daughter's sweet face this morning when she was sleeping - she has been under the weather.
  3. The words "goodnight mama" uttered by my son just before bed.
  4. Free shipping and free monogramming on towels that I want for the bathroom.
  5. Mark arriving home today after being away at a conference.

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