Gift Ideas for Teachers

As moms we are always looking for ways to say "thank you" to our childrens' teachers but we want the item to be something they will use, something they will like, and something affordable.

I will use this page to publish photos of some of the teacher gifts you can make/put together that fit the requirements above.

Valentines is a time of year when you might want to give your child's teacher something but you certainly don't want to spend a lot of money. Again, you want it to be something they will use, something they will like and, of course, something affordable.

Thanks to Pinterest I made these hand sanitizer bottles. I think they turned out awesome and for $2....yes $2!! I bought Target brand hand sanitizer. I used Goo Be Gone that I already had to get the labels off of the bottles. Then I used vinyl lettering to put the teacher's names on the bottles. certainly something they will use ...can you imagine all the germs floating around in those classrooms!!

Here is another idea...

Target is just getting in their spring line and they have adorable table lanterns for $9.99. Buy the lantern then attach a vinyl letter for the teacher’s last name and you have an adorable gift that meets my requirements!  (This lantern is turquoise with an orange letter.) This is more end of the year than Valentines but super cute!!

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