So as I continue to try to save money I have become a crafting demon.....Here are a couple ideas. both of them I stole either from my great friend (Tracey ;) or from my other great friend Pinterest... both are inexpensive and easy to make.
The base is an inexpensive candle stick from the dollar store. On top, I have glued another inexpensive find from the dollar store - a vase. I used glass glue and within 24 hours they were good to go. I filled them with candy for valentines and now I have jars I can use year round. (I put the E on with my vinyl lettering. I have some vinyl that looks like etched glass....such fun!)
Here is a teacher gift idea. The details are on my "Teacher Gift Page"
I have noticed that there is a level of satisfaction as a stay-at-home mom with these craft projects. When I was working, I worked toward goals and accomplished them. I might not have accomplished each goal daily (I was a takes time) but inevitably I would find some sort of success and accomplishment on most days. As a stay-at-home mom I do not get that same level of accomplishment. Of course, one could argue, that I am making such a great difference by staying at home.....yada...yada...yada....and certainly I believe that I am doing something beneficial BUT it is not the same as someone actually telling you "Hey, you're doing a great job!"OR "Wow, now I get it!" Needless to say.... seeing a craft on Pinterest and doing me that sense of accomplishment. Now these accomplishments might be small but it is something....and I am proud!! :) At least it is a finished product because my "mom" job is always a work in progress.... :)
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